Dec 27, 2014

My Golden Chalice

It has been a difficult couple of years.   I write this on the day after Christmas of 2014 and as the holiday festivities wind down, and I think about the items on my to-do list for the next week before we resume our regularly scheduled activities... I am reflecting on the year that lie behind me and the opportunities that lie before me.

We live in a different house, a different neighborhood.  It was a transition but it was along overdue transition that I knew my family needed.  After my husband's health episode, we were caught in what seemed like a perpetual tornado.  Things weren't always so loving and sweet, despite our gratitude for survival.   Our relationship bore the strain of financial stress and a plethora of other worries. 

It was a difficult year, but I am reflecting on it and and see that it was all very necessary; the alterations, the stress, the fighting, the refining, the separating, the anger, the hurt etc... all of it was necessary to move through in order to truly grow.   I know it was for my entire family but I don't know if they see it as clearly as I do.  It's not important though.  What's important is that I see it, and I do.

Apr 18, 2014

Communion of Souls and Trinity

What is Salvation?

Salvation is so much deeper and more meaningful than the weak, literal and very basal sentiment we give it.  It is saving from just that - saving from attachment to that physical, the literal monotony in the pain of life.  It's a deliverance from that pain because of the "acceptance" in Christ and the understanding that there is so much more to LIFE than the physical existence.  That this is but a mere part of the whole...  that the WHOLE is the father, son, and holy spirit.  (intellect/thought, physical/carnal life, spiritual/everlasting)

What is Christ?
The core of all that is, the guide, the compass, the light on which to focus.  The physical and fundamental manifestation being Jesus - but really Christ is the grand spiritually without form - the knowing. And the *knowing* is  The "savior"

Feb 4, 2014

We Do Not Find God

There is no such thing as Finding God.  God is not for finding.  I know this now, because I have learned it.  I understand now, and I get it.

I'm a self-described spiritual flake.  I admit that there have been countless times of serious doubt throughout my life as to the existence of God, and even if so, in what capacity and how God exists.  What is God? Who is God and what is the difference between the religions?  Is there a difference? Are they all just different paths to the same salvation?  And just what really is salvation anyway?

Do we make this stuff up to make ourselves feel better about the unknown?  Do (and have) the political powers-that-be make it up to control us by attempting to define fate or life after death?  For that matter, what is death?  Is it an end? Is it a beginning?  Is it just a change of energy?  We can't know.  I accept that.  But why is that so difficult to accept, that we just can't know?