Dec 27, 2014

My Golden Chalice

It has been a difficult couple of years.   I write this on the day after Christmas of 2014 and as the holiday festivities wind down, and I think about the items on my to-do list for the next week before we resume our regularly scheduled activities... I am reflecting on the year that lie behind me and the opportunities that lie before me.

We live in a different house, a different neighborhood.  It was a transition but it was along overdue transition that I knew my family needed.  After my husband's health episode, we were caught in what seemed like a perpetual tornado.  Things weren't always so loving and sweet, despite our gratitude for survival.   Our relationship bore the strain of financial stress and a plethora of other worries. 

It was a difficult year, but I am reflecting on it and and see that it was all very necessary; the alterations, the stress, the fighting, the refining, the separating, the anger, the hurt etc... all of it was necessary to move through in order to truly grow.   I know it was for my entire family but I don't know if they see it as clearly as I do.  It's not important though.  What's important is that I see it, and I do.