Feb 4, 2014

We Do Not Find God

There is no such thing as Finding God.  God is not for finding.  I know this now, because I have learned it.  I understand now, and I get it.

I'm a self-described spiritual flake.  I admit that there have been countless times of serious doubt throughout my life as to the existence of God, and even if so, in what capacity and how God exists.  What is God? Who is God and what is the difference between the religions?  Is there a difference? Are they all just different paths to the same salvation?  And just what really is salvation anyway?

Do we make this stuff up to make ourselves feel better about the unknown?  Do (and have) the political powers-that-be make it up to control us by attempting to define fate or life after death?  For that matter, what is death?  Is it an end? Is it a beginning?  Is it just a change of energy?  We can't know.  I accept that.  But why is that so difficult to accept, that we just can't know?