Sep 8, 2012

Not Everything Changes

It seems like as life goes on things change.  At a first glance through time, it seems as though a great deal has changed over the course of world history.  Change is inevitable.  But there is a certain comfort in knowing that some things always stay the same...The important things...

Sep 4, 2012

Eternal, Infinite and Always Okay

There is no beginning and no end.   Time is our invention.  Nature does not care about what year it is. A tree does not worry how old it is.  We worry because we think.  Thought is a blessing but can be a burden.

We know that we are born and that our physical body dies. We do not know beyond that and so we accept life as a linear experience with a start and a finish. But I don't think that this is really true. Nothing in nature really does have that finite existence.  It revolves.

Aug 31, 2012


Psalm 118:8 “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”

We want to control our days.  We want to control what we do, who we do it with, how we do it and what will happen. 

This seems perfectly reasonable and even smart.  It's about planning.  We plan. We are planners.  We plan education.  We plan for our future. We plan for retirement.  We save up nest eggs, invest wisely, prepare. 
We do this because we have learned from the past that it is best to plan and be prepared.  There isn't anything particularly wrong with this and it's smart - for the most part.

But we must consider that all this planning is about our insecure need to try and grasp control.  We want to know what tomorrow will bring.  We want to know what next week will be, and next month and next year.  We are uncomfortable with the unknown so we do whatever we can to make ourselves feel like we know something and have some control... and maybe we do have some control and some knowledge.  But we don't and can't know exactly how our journey will unfold. 

Ultimately it comes down to trust.  Trust in God.  Trust in the natural unfolding of events.   Because God exists in our soul and we are part of the great and powerful force that is God, we do control our path - but not in a way that we fully understand.  It is by our choices and our actions - but often those have unpredictable outcomes that we don't fully realize until after they've occurred.  Prior to that we can only guess.  And that is what we do. We guess and we try to prepare based on what we consider "educated" guesses.  That's well and good but more than that we must have trust.  That trust is called faith.  We must rely not on what we think we understand about how the world works, or not what we think we know based on the feeble ideas and theories of physical man - but on what our soul, our eternal connection to the divine knows and is.   And it's not about the future - God does not exist in linear terms so we cannot expect compromise or knowledge on a timeline.  It's much more simple than that.  Just a deep trust and faith that everything is as it should be and that we will be safe as long as we rely more on God than on our need to control.

The formula perhaps is one third planning and two thirds faith. And whatever we do plan, let your divine soul and God guide your preparations.

Do good.  Love each other.  Be faithful.  Smile.  The rest is just logistics.

Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”

Aug 30, 2012

Be Still and Know God

Be Still And Know That I Am God

God you are nature.  You are all that is.   I am made in your image.  I am made of the same complex make up as the earth.  I am made from nature.  You are nature, you are all that is.
The is made for me to live from, use, exist harmoniously with, derive benefit from and give benefit to.  Nature breathes from me and I from nature.
Everything is in perfect and exquisite balance.  Coexisting in extraordinary synchronicity and rhythm down to the very millisecond our heartbeat matching the whisper of a wave hitting the shore.

Aug 29, 2012

Infinite Being

Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am"

I have been reflecting on this, it is to me about acceptance, trust and faith.  It is the serenity to accept what is not logically explicable, the courage to trust and the wisdom to know.   It is about understanding beyond our feeble 5 senses and igniting our spiritual sense that is not of tangible nature.  It is about seeing what is not to be seen with the eye and feeling what cannot be felt with the touch.  And hearing what is not heard with the ear.

Aug 28, 2012


I Am That I Am....
                                       Exodus 3:14

I am Love I am Life I am Light
I am Day I am Air I am Sun I am Night
I am All
I Am

I am every tree that stretches it's branches toward the sky
I am every blade of grass that pushes through the earth
I am the soil that gives life
I am the air that fills breath and the breath that is inhaled
I am everything that is
I Am

I am Future I am Past
I am Now I am Always
I am Here
I Am

I am Energy
I am You
I am She I am He
I am They
I Am

I am the Creation I am the Creator

I am Purity I am Truth
I am Forgiveness
I am Love
I Am

I am Abundance I am Simplicity
I am Nature I am Whole
I Am

I am Spirit I am Body I am Mind
I am Soul
I Am

I am Knowing
I am Hope
I am Kindness
I am Healing
I am Divinity
I am Peace
I am Honesty
I am Beauty
I am Good
I Am

I Love  I am Loved  I am Love

I Am

You are created in the image of God

You Are


Aug 27, 2012

Never Alone

The music and lyrics to this song are so moving and have really meant a great deal to me in different situations, at difficult times in my life.

What I get from this message is that there is nothing tangible for us to experience or know with any of our five human senses.  Peace, love and trust are immaterial and for us to experience only with our spiritual senses.  In order to do that, we must acknowledge that presence, that energy - the energy and presence that we all feel, that we all know but that we don't always acknowledge.  We must acknowledge it, appreciate it and above all - trust it.  That knowing, that sensation, that energy that you feel... that's God.  In You.

I hope you find something special in this song.  Enjoy!

"We cannot separate, cuz your part of me."    Never Alone by Barlow Girl

Aug 26, 2012

The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God is in You.

I always enjoyed reflecting on this.  It brings me comfort to think of it.  It's actually quite extraordinary and profound.  The Kingdom of God is in You.  IN YOU.

We are such beautiful creations, and so very special and half the time we move through our lives not realizing just how extraordinary we are.  We allow the ordinary stuff of life to make us feel dull, unimportant, vague.

But we are divine!

And we hear this,and many times we even chant it "God lives in me" or "God is part of me" but do we truly understand and appreciate the magnitude of that truth? It's not that God is some guy floating around somewhere and that line is some proverbial metaphor for our similarity.  No.  It means that our very essence, our soul, the physical and spiritual being of who we are and what we are is part of the infinite and extraordinary presence of God.  God is not "with us" God is part of us.   We were made in the image of God.

Aug 25, 2012

Created in the image of God

God is Love and we are created in the image of God.

You are loved.

You are Love.