Aug 29, 2012

Infinite Being

Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am"

I have been reflecting on this, it is to me about acceptance, trust and faith.  It is the serenity to accept what is not logically explicable, the courage to trust and the wisdom to know.   It is about understanding beyond our feeble 5 senses and igniting our spiritual sense that is not of tangible nature.  It is about seeing what is not to be seen with the eye and feeling what cannot be felt with the touch.  And hearing what is not heard with the ear.

There can be something said about the numerical value of the verse being 3:14 which is the number that represents the infinity of pi - 3.14.  pi representing infinite circumference, as a circle has no beginning nor end, so does God begin or end and thus the essence of "I am that I am".

It is significant to note that as we are made in the image of God and the Kingdom of God is within us - so we too are infinite and we, both simply and extraordinarily profoundly ARE.  I am that I am and we all are that we are. 

Be Still And Know That I Am God.

There is truly nothing more beautiful, peaceful and hopeful than that right there.

Perhaps that was the heart of the message of Christ.   We are eternal.  All we need to do is accept that we are and believe it in order to have peace.

Do not be afraid.  Just Believe.

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