Babies cry, kittens mew
Grass grows, wind blows
Rain falls, sun shines
Flowers bloom, leaves turn
The sound of a chirping cricket is the same now as it has ever been
The smell of a pine tree in the morning mist carries the same scent now as it ever has and always will
The feeling and comfort of being in the embrace of someone you love...
The inexplicable intoxication of a first kiss
The relieving quench of water on a thirsty pallet...
The rhythm of waves against the shore
While so many things seem to change, it is these divine miracles of existence that always have and will always stay the same.
Knowing this, we realize that things don't really change all that much. People do the same things, in different ways is all. A closer look at history reveals that all of the problems that humanity has suffered throughout time, are really all the same at the core. There are variations only in how we deal with them, solve them and inevitably allow them to occur again. Events wear different skins, but the roots are always the same.

When the perceived changes in the modern world seem frightening and disquieting, take comfort in knowing that everything that really matters, never changed and never will.
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
--Ecclesiastes 1:9
there is nothing new under the sun.
--Ecclesiastes 1:9
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