Psalm 118:8 “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”
We want to control our days. We want to control what we do, who we do it with, how we do it and what will happen.
This seems perfectly reasonable and even smart. It's about planning. We plan. We are planners. We plan education. We plan for our future. We plan for retirement. We save up nest eggs, invest wisely, prepare.
We do this because we have learned from the past that it is best to plan and be prepared. There isn't anything particularly wrong with this and it's smart - for the most part.

Ultimately it comes down to trust. Trust in God. Trust in the natural unfolding of events. Because God exists in our soul and we are part of the great and powerful force that is God, we do control our path - but not in a way that we fully understand. It is by our choices and our actions - but often those have unpredictable outcomes that we don't fully realize until after they've occurred. Prior to that we can only guess. And that is what we do. We guess and we try to prepare based on what we consider "educated" guesses. That's well and good but more than that we must have trust. That trust is called faith. We must rely not on what we think we understand about how the world works, or not what we think we know based on the feeble ideas and theories of physical man - but on what our soul, our eternal connection to the divine knows and is. And it's not about the future - God does not exist in linear terms so we cannot expect compromise or knowledge on a timeline. It's much more simple than that. Just a deep trust and faith that everything is as it should be and that we will be safe as long as we rely more on God than on our need to control.

Do good. Love each other. Be faithful. Smile. The rest is just logistics.
Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”